Norway's Pioneering IoT and AI-Integrated Taxi App
Complete Journey From Start To Deployment
  • IoT Integration with Taxi Booking App to Increase Efficiency
  • Available for Online and Offline mode for customers and Drivers
  • Highly customized according to country norms and transportation practices
Ride-Hailing App

Gadgets Used - Diverse Integration Capabilities Samples


IoT-integrated taxi booking services were established in Norway, the EU, and the UK. Taxigruppen has been serving since 2021 successfully. Both online and offline modes are available. Make online payments and even allow the printing of bills. Make the administration more efficient with an online app.

Challenges We Faced

Integration of IoT devices required a different approach since the environment had many complications while using a regular mobile location system for updates. An accurate location must be updated for tracking, and an online presence must be maintained to improve customer service, which are the main issues for the business to take care of.
Norway has more than 1000 tunnels, some extending more than 24 km. The network connection issues occur during travel. To overcome this, both online and offline modes needed to be integrated. Offline ride-hailing requires more analysis and testing.
To make taxi bookings for customers without mobile phones, the Taxigruppen business asked to build a booking option to overcome this. By adding the option of booking a taxi, increase the number of customer bookings. Doing this can prevent network hiccups when using the transportation system.
Taking the practices and rules of the country into account, testing the taxi meter with the integrations and rooftop light control through the app needed, advanced testing, and implementation approach. Fetching data such as distance, speed, and GPS from a car on real-time movement was the crucial point that required our technical touch.

Evaluation And Methodology

How Challenges Were Solved!

  • The country has regulations, like a taxi must have a taximeter. Since mobile GPS had some complications, we planned to install an IoT device. IoT devices integrated with a taximeter into the car and connected through the mobile app. Uplogic Technologies worked with simulators and rooftop simulators and discussed this with SDK providers in detail, about functioning and output. IoT is important to get the details of the exact location, speed, and charges from the meter and update the details from the meter to the online app.
  • Taxi travel may involve tunnels where network coverage would be limited, so we made a special integration of a unique flow for online taxi booking and offline mode. The vehicle's connectivity with the Internet may face interruptions during the tunnel. So whenever the car faces a network issue, the data cache is stored in the taximeter in the car. When the app receives internet access, the details are synced with the online app through the IoT device.
  • The Taxigruppen business needed customers without mobile devices to use the app. So we made an option with which the driver app can start the booking and update the status through the app. When a user doesn’t have a mobile device, this option will be of great use. Drivers can mark the locations of pickup and update the status of their travel on the online app.
  • We add value to the app by hearing customer pain points and eliminating them from the app we develop. This helps to improve the app's usability and to prove to your customers that you are concerned about their experience by attending to their pain points. Positive word-of-mouth advertising for your brand and higher customer satisfaction.
  • To make the payment efficient, we tied up with a payment gateway. To allow the customer to pay online and card in offline mode. Thanks to the POS system for effortless payments. And they can get the receipt for offline payments.

Project’s Research

A thermal printer generates reports, details about distance traveled, and payment information for physical invoice printouts. We conducted extensive testing and analysis before enabling the printout option in offline mode. The taxi meter records trip information and invoice printing.
The app development allows for extra pricing, cashback offers, automatic tariff-surge pricing, and dynamic cost adjustments, as well as customer incentives. This guarantees user engagement and profitability.
Taximeters, odometers, and rooftops are used more effectively. The integration of the devices is inspected multiple times in the development environment. At Uplogic Technologies workplace, we made a complete car setup. We build the car model with a taximeter simulator, an odometer simulator, and GPS integration. With a car-like setup, we checked the workings out of the box.
This system proposes combining three technologies: RFID tag and POS card payment integration. In simpler terms, it allows for the identification of drivers to make easy logins (using RFID), contactless payments via cards (using POS), and processing those payments wirelessly at a point-of-sale system and making the print. This creates a streamlined process for tasks like inventory management and secure transactions.

Languages We Employed For the Taxigruppen App Development Process

We designed an intuitive and powerful platform for handling multiple services with the following tools:

Results And Achievements Of Taxigruppen

IoT integration was needed to overcome the environmental situation and make customers effortlessly aware of their service details. And help them have the best travel experience. The customers can start the journey by booking through the app. And see the details of the trip in the taximeter. They can get the payment slip printed.
The driver receives a notification of the trip that the customer requested through the customer's app. The drivers can use the app to start the trip for customers who don’t use mobile. The driver's information on the pick-up and drop-off locations will be updated on the server through the driver app. Available in online and offline modes for customers.
Customized according to country norms and transportation practices. The implementation of taximeters and rooftops is included in the integration of IoT devices. The driver check is done through document verification to ensure the license for the service. So the verified drivers have joined the service.
The slip of the trip details is printed and handed over to customers. Details like locations, distance, rate for the trip, and even records can be printed with the help of thermal printers.

Would you like to integrate the IoT into an app for your business?

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