Stunning $1 Million Investment in Just 3 Months!
Unlocking the Success Journey
  • 80K Facia App Downloads within one year of launch
  • Facia App Raised an Investment of $1 million
  • Facia has been recognized as one of the best startups in Bolivia in 2024.
Lifestyle App

App Screens - Our Work Echoes Success


In Bolivia, Facia was released in 2021 as the first mobile app for collaborative security. Users can defend one another by utilizing mobile technologies, artificial intelligence, and social cooperation. People get a sense of security when they keep tabs on their family members' whereabouts and their behavior.

Challenges We Faced

The Facia app required persistent background execution, which significantly impacted battery life. This was due to the app's need for frequent updates, coupled with the continuous use of GPS and other sensors. To mitigate these issues, optimizing resource consumption was a critical aspect of the development process.
Facia requires a robust real-time notification system to manage and disseminate information efficiently. This includes multi-user simultaneous notification about critical events. Crowd-sourced incident reporting is a mechanism to enables numerous individuals to report incidents promptly. Real-time geolocation-based alerts and updates on incident locations and status to users within the affected area.
To streamline the user experience, some alternate approaches to QR-code-based workflows were needed. Every aspect of the application must be used. Prioritization and efficient handling of the QR code system were challenges. The system will require robust capabilities for high-volume QR code generation and efficient code reading.
AI integration within the app needs special attention that is required for face recognition for people. AI should find the exact matching of the image to the available images. It has many matching face techniques that are accurate and precise, which require consecutive testing and training. Face recognition had to match the image with even minimum matching scores. The business also needed the AI recognition extended for the pet animals.
Pet identification needed to be enhanced, through the integration of Near Field Communication (NFC) tags. These tags are needed to store essential pet information. To implement this system, collaborative agreements with NFC tag suppliers were needed to be established.

Evaluation And Methodology

How Challenges Were Solved!

  • To run the app in the background without draining the battery, we optimized the app for battery usage efficiency. We used techniques like mobile location and mobile sensors to gather information. For example, the app updates the mobile location information and when a person is in continuous motion, the app collects the data and updates the information. Using this technique for updating information in the background reduces battery energy-draining issues.
  • The users can stay connected through the mobile app and post any issues in their surroundings. When a user updates an incident through the app, it is reflected as a notification in the local app user interface. This required instant and efficient notifications to multiple users. We framed the app to handle notifications from multiple users. Any issues in the locality or missing reports can be sent to multiple users in a fraction of a second to help solve the issue.
  • Many operations require alternative flows to make the process simple. QR operations are integrated into the app to enhance accessibility. Multiple operations are performed with QR for logging in, face recognition, and tag scanning. Implementing the QR system in the entire app needed to be handled. Generating a unique QR code for numerous users and providing information was very important. The QR process made the workflow easier.
  • To help pet identification be enhanced, the integration of Near Field Communication (NFC) tags on the pet's collar was introduced. These tags can securely store essential pet information, facilitating rapid identification. Upon scanning, the NFC tag should trigger a real-time notification to the pet owner. To implement this system, collaborative agreements with NFC tag suppliers were needed to be established.

Project’s Research

We found the major reasons behind the battery drain issue. The app collects data, like location and notifications, frequently. It continuously runs in the background. The data is uploaded online. We worked with many conditions and found options to solve the issue. We optimized the app and used the location and other sensor data from the mobile. This process helps with the minimum process and reduces the power consumption of the app.
Use the Facia app to connect with friends, neighbors, or family to join hands for security and safeguard one another. Since multiple users can make use of such an app, the notifications that must reach multiple users are made possible in the Facia app. When a dispute is seen in a place, users can use the app to mark the location and take the necessary actions. So the live notification of the dispute details is sent to every user of the app. We worked with the notifications through many repeated processes.
The Facia has been working with Uplogic Technologies for 3+ years. Over the years, we have planned the implementation of features in the continuous update technique. We worked with features multiple times and implemented them phase by phase in the app to avoid any malfunctions and user inconvenience.
The family member's security features have a combination of functions. The Facia app uses the mobile location and sensor details from the app and provides tools for safe monitoring and tracking of their locations. A real-time GPS locator can help in locating family members and intimate the location change of family members. The users are notified when family members are in an unsafe area by viewing the location history.
AI integration for face recognition for people has been added to the app. A facial scanner helps in matching an individual and finding a matching missing complaint list. The advanced technology makes the process of matching the images accurate. This artificial intelligence technology makes it easier to identify and match older photos, even photos taken 80 years ago!
To make the AI function more convenient, the information about the pets is stored in NFC tags. By scanning the tag, the pet's information can be shown in the app. The NFC functions are stored in the app and made easy to access for users. For this operation, we worked with a NFC company to generate bulk codes. We added the details to the app. And when the NFC is scanned, notifications are sent to the owner of the pet, making spotting easier and more effective.

Languages We Employed For the Facia App Development

We designed an intuitive and powerful platform for handling multiple services with the following tools:

Results And Achievements Of Facia

AI integration in the Facia app for accurate face recognition. Users can easily log in with a photo or face scan. This facial data is securely stored and used to verify identities in real-time. When someone needs to be found, capture their image and compare it to the enrolled faces. The AI is trained in a way that an 8-year-old image of a person takes before 80 years; it finds similarities and matches with a person who is 88 years old at present. Thanks to such technologies, there is a chance of finding loved ones with the help of the community. AI helps in matching the minimum matching images to This process enables seamless access control for authorized individuals while providing an added layer of security.
80000 Facia app downloads, users found the immense features and usefulness of the app and installed it. The features have the capability of helping to track missing people and pets. It facilitates the efficient notification of incidents occurring within and near communities.
Having successfully raised $1 million in its first round of funding, Facia will be able to grow its customer base and enhance the features of its app. The confidence that investors have in Facia’s vision to revolutionize citizen security through cutting-edge technology and teamwork is reflected in this investment.

Think of AI for your business app. Talk to our business expert! Develop an app on-demand with AI features to enhance your operation!

With an app created by Uplogic Technologies, you can handle the odd situation and turn it into a trump card for your business!

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