Realization Practices of Uplogic Technologies in Security and Company Culture for Digital Transformation

Nowadays, the transformation of business and core values into digitally is observed in all services either government or private. The ultimate driving factors for this transformation are changes in customer behavior, drastic innovations, evolving smartphone usage, need for high trust for accurate payments. This transformation is not defined in a single definition and single way processing. Every transformation is in a unique way based on its requirements and challenges. 

Digital transformation, a magic word originated with the consistent evolution in digital technologies like mobile, analytics, social and cloud that makes people’s life so easy compared to traditional days. At the end of 2023, the statista report showed that the expenditure on digital technologies is expected to be 2.3 trillion USD globally. Society shifts based on customer expectations makes the entrepreneurs shift their existing strategies to the new digital world to stand in the competitive market. This blog will give you the complete analysis of digital transformation, why it matters in the future, how up logic address the transformation of two factors security and culture. Let’s go through one by one. 

How Uplogic Technologies Helps Your Digital Transformation with its Services?

What is Digital Transformation? Why does it matter?

Generally, digital transformation is the change in the mindset of the industrialists. To promote their business value in the demand services and achieve sustainable growth, all the entrepreneurs changed the existing core functions digitally. This process is called digital transformation. It is ruled by customer expectations, economic shifts, and technological disruptions. To achieve consistent growth, the business should know the importance of this digital transformation concept and adapt it without fail. Digitization is observed in all the areas of organization listed as follows:

  • Customer Relationship 

The expectations of the customer are not stationary and they are dynamic based on the needs, issues faced in realtime. Since the economy of the industry directly depends on the customer, satisfactory services through digital technologies is an important thing for industrial growth. But, acquiring satisfied customers is not an easy task. Instead of transforming the core values, transformation on business edge is the feasible one. Eg. On-demand mobile applications. The customer initiates the requests through mobile, service providers get their attention, processing the needs of the customer and deliver quickly as soon as possible. Delivery through digital channels makes the customer feel happy and creates a loyal relationship with the company for a long time period.  

  • Automatic Process

Fulfill customer needs is associated with this process. How an organization optimizes the work quickly and what technologies used to meet customer needs are major for digitization. In the on demand app development, iOS, and Android are broadly used versions. The integration of new technological advancements into our existing work practices is done in this section to make one step ahead of the industry. 

  • Filled with Digital Talent

Peoples are the major driving force for the operation and revenue of any organization. An Assessment report has been prepared on a periodical basis that shows what exists, what is to be upgraded and what is contracted. Based on the reports, skillful people on digital technologies are hired for internal operation and some industries may be hired for outsourcing operations. 

  • Disrupting by Advanced Technology

Digital transformation is not only incurring the technologies for making anything. It is completely regarded as the entire culture shift. Hence, the people working in an organization must be ready to move forward with the new idea. How they are convincing. With the detailed data and the advancements in technology, providing innovative guidance helps the peoples to face the challenges, risks and future trends in their department. 

Upon the discussions of the digital transformation, you are convinced about the need for transformation for your next-level growth. One important point is to be noted that digital transformation is the only way to move forward in the Millenium. The global economy and customer expectations are already moved to the digital platform and hence adapting this concept in any business is the basic need of the growth of the organization. 

How Digital Transformation strategy in Uplogic Technologies?

Over the last few years, more companies have started to adopt this digital transformation on a large scale in their organization in order to keep a special place in the competitive market. Business analysts stated that the success of the digital transformation is less dependent on the technology used than on the strategy. Mckinsey showed that the application of digital transformation provides successful growth to less than one-third of the companies in the year 2015. 

In the latest survey in 2018, 16 % of the survey responders showed thumbs up for the digital transformation on the sustainable growth of the company for the long term. Organizational and cultural changes are also taken into account for the failure of the digital transformation in such an organization. Among these, some of the users more sophisticated technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the low level of maturity on these platforms also affect the growth heavily.  Uplogic serves as the best balancing strategy between the technologies and sustainability in growth with the following strategies:

  • Focus on Objectives

The major reason behind the failure of the organization on digital transformation is to focus on what technologies that they are going to apply instead of how this technology is going to help us to arrive at the needed solution. Uplogic reverses this process by concentrating on what is the objective or outcome of business and which technology is going to meet that objective. For instance, our ultimate objective is to serve the customer on a timely basis (speed delivery), then our ultimate choice is the technology that provides a speedy solution. 

  • Insiders Knowledge  

The reviews regarding what the technology works and what doesn’t are the major factor for the digital transformation concept. Staff in most of the organizations are not aware of this factor and hence they turned to failure. But, for an uplogic, detailed research about the workflow, technology used and key insights from the staff are analyzed prior to the new technology being implemented. This helps the staff to get immediate clarifications and thereby disturbance in the workflow is minimized. 

  • Technology as a booster for employee 

Most of the companies replaced humans with technology for fast processing. This is the most common mistake observed nowadays. This approach leads to disrupt the moral value of the employee and overall effectiveness. In contrast, Uplogic uses technology only to enhance the efficiency of employees. When new technologies come into play, the employees are turned to do the tasks in a more collaborative manner and this assures the cognitive skills development. 

  • Outside-In-Approach

The ultimate aim of digital transformation is to satisfy the customer. But, the lack of compromising between the customer’s expectations and the technologies used inside the companies disrupt customer satisfaction heavily. Uplogic gathers the information from the customers and understands their expectations at first. It implements outside-in-approach instead of formulating based on the inside technologies to improve the customer satisfaction level. 

Even though technology is the main focus of the digital transformation, implementing without applying the changes on culture, employee mindsets and the processes lead to failure. On the other side, the drastic evolution of digital technologies associated with the security threads largely. Hence, uplogic considers these two factors security and cultural changes to meet the digital future.  

What are the practices of Scale Security followed by Uplogic Technologies?

Trust and security are the most important priorities to keep yourself protected in the on demand industry. Aligning business with dynamic security measures helpful for long term growth. But, too many security measures deteriorate the customers and slow down the growth. Midway practices are the feasible ones. Uplogic’s practices to scale the security are listed as follows:

  • Self-Learning

Uplogic enables the self-learning of team players about the risks and hence they come up with the safeguard plan. By researching the market scenario, uplogic identifies which type of services customer want and what are the technologies we are going to apply to meet customer expectations. On the other side, the learning of how to protect the business from inside out is given for the team players. Since the company is dependent on the customers, collecting and maintaining the personal data in a conscious manner on the basis of the privacy laws. 

  • Investment on Perfect Tools

This process is integrated with the proactive operation that means investing the time and team players on the right platform in order to provide the services to customers on time. By keeping the place for the new evolving technological trends in the app development industry, uplogic maintains the competitive edge to ensure the highest level of protection. Prior to investing in a new security tool or software, Uplogic does complete research and review the feedback from the partners consistently to know which tool is perfect. 

  • Company Policies

Setting clear guidelines and high standards is the major criterion for the sake of business and the team involved. To make the right track for the team players, solidification of company policies is a must. Making the analysis of the situation at policy level in Uplogic helps us to see what went wrong. The policies are also ready for updates based on the new trends arrived in the industry for successful growth. 

As I said earlier, the scaling of security practices and the culture boost up are the two major criteria to cope up with the digital transformation. In this section, you gain information regarding how uplogic practicing the approaches for security. Next, how the company culture is boosted up for that.   

How Uplogic boost its culture for digital transformation?

The companies focus on customer satisfaction, achieving goals, and gaining revenue. But, in the same way, employee satisfaction also must for the growth of the company. Uplogic addresses this by the team of creative experts that spent a lot of effort to boost the employee satisfaction level.  Here, some of the efforts are listed.

  • Learn on Each other

We all know innovation doesn’t mean creating new things for our experience. It deals with working together, sharing the technical skills to reach the solution for real-time issues. Uplogic encourages this type of learning like sharing everyone’s knowledge of the diverse fields of either the same industry and different industries with colleagues. So, we easily meet up with their customer expectations and provide a satisfactory experience to them.

  • Be Creative

Getting inspiration from what others do is one of the amazing approaches for being creative. Learning, listening and receiving honest feedback from the coworkers enable the uplogic to do the creative app in the on demand industry. The mindset of the team players has to meet up the real-time challenges that pushed towards the achievement of common goals in an easy way. Drive of digital transformation enables a huge amount of challenges, so there must be a creative team in the business that is the major factor for growth.

  •  Bridge the Gap

Translation of the customer needs into the terms that the development team can easily understand is the crucial stage for any organization. Since the digital transformation is not ending, the new technical tools, terms are arriving in the market each day. In the same way, customer expectations also continually changed. Hence, the uplogic acts as the best interface between the expectations and the technology. It translates the client’s needs from the marketing team to the requirements that easily technical teams understand. When communicating, the development team also conveys what is possible and what is going to be revised that provides high loyalty to the customers. 

Winding Up

Summarizing this blog, you can gain the information regarding what is digital transformation, why it matters in the future, how the digital transformation is applied in Uplogic clearly. We not only focus on the technology to meet the client needs. We also did the 360-degree analysis of the digital transformation era and updated ourselves with the new practices related to security and culture. If you are willing to develop your own startup in order to stand on the digital transformation era, we gladly welcome you all. To get more details and queries, drop your message to [email protected].

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    About the author

    Steven Smith

    I am working as a Senior product developer at Uplogic Technologies Pvt Ltd. Uplogic Technologies is a leading producer of mobile and web app development solutions in the market. We have delivered web and mobile app solutions for numerous clients comes across the world.

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